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    Picking Your Brain: Bridging Barriers in TBI Care - Part 1 (Ep. 13)

    Picking Your Brain: Bridging Barriers in TBI Care - Part 1 (Ep. 13)

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    Audio by Vincent White 

    Defense Health Agency

    In this episode of Picking Your Brain, Department of Veterans Affairs researchers and TBICoE clinical experts discuss the “Improving Health care Engagement and Access to Optimize Long-Term Outcomes” study, or I-HEAL. The study, run by Dr. Risa Richardson at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, addresses the barriers that individuals with TBI face when accessing high-quality, evidence-based health care, highlighting the importance of collaboration between the DOD and VA.

    Picking Your Brain episodes interview TBI subject matter experts about everything from the latest clinical recommendations, the effects sustaining a TBI has on service members and veterans, and the loved ones who support their recovery process. For more about TBI, including clinical tools, go to or email us at 

    The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this podcast are those of the host and subject matter experts. They should not be construed as an official Department of Defense position, policy, or decision unless designated by other official documentation. The hosts and guests of Picking Your Brain may be defense contract personnel who support TBICoE. The status of all hosts and guests will be identified during introductions to the podcast.



    Date Taken: 03.18.2024
    Date Posted: 03.18.2024 11:44
    Category: Newscasts
    Audio ID: 79486
    Filename: 2403/DOD_110186109.mp3
    Length: 00:09:21
    Year 2024
    Genre Research
    Location: US

    Web Views: 342
    Downloads: 0
    High-Res. Downloads: 0